Friday, May 3, 2013

The Good, The Bad, The Boring....

So. Last night I stayed up with my friend SB and put some highlights in and cut on her hair. She's adorbs. During that process we talked about this and that and normal Mon/SB conversation....which normally includes laughing A LOT as well as me listing off quite a few things to fuss about. I cherish my time out with my friend, but I always feel bad later because I feel like I ruin it by complaining.

In this particular conversation, I realized that I'm just not the same person I once was....which, like everyone, is both good and bad.

The Good:

I'm no longer partying it up

I'm no longer on the search for a skoozer* to date (skoozer--a boy you date just for the simple fact that you "love" him and no one, including you, knows why)

I'm no longer living in a slum apartment

I'm no longer waiting tables

I'm no longer excited by possible jail time

The Bad:

I'm boring.

Seriously. I spend quite a lot of my time changing diapers, saying, "no", doing laundry, napping, being hormonal, and updating facebook with witty comments such as "must. stop. cleaning. tubs." and "passed my glucose test yeehaw!" Really? Is this what my life has become??

And I am way ahead of some of you sweet folks who will say that this is "just a season" of my life and, truly, I'm a-ok with my life....I love my little family and being preggers and all of that....but I just feel like things used to happen to me. I would always send out mass emails to my sorority sisters of crazy situations during the summer (blogging before blogging're welcome), things that were both slightly beyond my control and, I thought, hysterical. I don't want to complain about this, but....nothing stupid funny happens to me anymore. I mean there's the occasional redneck who will holler at me being "sexay" in Walmart while I'm 6m prego....but that's a one-liner. There's no story there. I need something nutty! I need some prolonged road trip that involves a non-English speaking Mexican guy who doesn't like hugs (that happened!) and an offering of Krispie Kremes. What? Having babies isn't enough for me, you ask? Do you people not remember the hourly updates when Bruce was on the loose 3 summers ago?? I like things to be a big deal. I like the drama. I like the excitement of random happenings. It's so pitiful around here that I catch myself looking up "best proposals" and "real natural birth" on YouTube just to get a glimpse of semi-surprising life events....true.

It's as though I'm in a mom/wife rut. I'm huge. I'm super in, wow.....w h i t e. I'm tired. I only discuss laundry, Colt, being pregnant, being tired, being hungry, or something equally block-worthy. Just be glad some of you only have the pleasure of reading my poor friends here have to actually deal with it, God bless 'em. Plus, they get the additional fun topics of "Chris is getting on my nerves" OR "I super love him!"...which are equally annoying, even to me.'s to hoping that I don't get too much of what I asked for and have some insane birth story in a few weeks (just imagine--a quick labor at my house that involves our neighbor delivering her in my living room, Bruce getting out, and the horrifying realization I haven't shaved my legs in 2.5 months)...I need just enough to help me remember that while some of the crazy being gone from my life is a good thing, there's still some of the "fun" me hanging around to make this ol' life interesting...because, as it is, I'm waiting 5 more minutes on the laundry to finish so I can hang up my bras to dry.